Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today's the Day

Well today is my dry run day for chemo and radiation. I get my schedule for everything and it all begins tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. I have to put my mask on again today and make sure the fit is all set for tomorrow. Maybe we can get a picture of the mask today! We still don't know if I have been accepted as a part of the trial so keep praying for that but we should have more information today. Well I am on my second day of work and I am learning a lot. My dad said it could take months to even start to understand what is happening but I am determined to do well and learn super fast. I am doing well so far. There are just so many acronyms for everything I can't keep them all straight! :) We were able to feel the plates in my head last night and it was really cool. I have no feeling where they are so they are easy to find for me. I still can't believe how lucky I am. I love life. Wish me luck! :)

Tara Bodrero


Heidi said...

Good luck, Tara! I know you'll tackle both the treatment and the new job just fine. Just think in a couple of months you will probably be confidently spouting all those acronyms and leaving the rest of us mystified!

Avon said...

Good luck Tara!! You are in my prayers :)

Cami said...

Tara you married girl!!! You are in my prayers, I pray all goes well

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tara, Sounds like a busy day! I missed you today, but I know Josh doesn't like to share you
and I don't blame him. Let me know how everything went. Oh I saw your wakeboard pics on facebook, Jessas camera is a little broken but still...you're amaaazing!!!! Love ya, Lori

Anonymous said...

I came upon your blog through a friend's blog, and I just wanted to know that I am praying for you! Miracles are possible and happen every day. Stay positive!