Friday, June 25, 2010

27 days left

So I have not posted in a few days but it has been a rough couple of days. I really don't like radiation. It is hard for me to lay in the mask and smell the smell of radiation and just realize what is happening for all those minutes I am in the machine. I kinda don't like talking about it so I have decided to talk about happier things and not post the pictures of the mask quite yet. I will get them later but I just don't like looking at them. So I have had three treatments of radiation and three treatments of chemo. I have 27 left of radiations and quite a few of chemo but the chemo is a pill so that's all good. I have become very aware of the time and have many alarms set on my phone so I take my meds at the right time. I am not getting too sick as of right now minus a few headaches and nausea. They told me to double up on the nausea meds and threatened to put me on decadron if my headaches don't go away...they said I could take Tylenol so I am praying that works. The best part of this week was the brain testing I had a few days ago. Terry (my favorite doctor person/study organizer) gave me the test. The first part of the test was she read off 12 things and I had to list as many of them back as I could. She was in complete awe when I listed back all 12! I guess I have a good memory. She said the test required her to read them twice more because no one usually gets close until the third time...I was pretty proud of myself adn by the third time I could about list them in order. Yes bragging about myself is much more fun than thinking about radiation! :)There were also a series of other similar tests that I aced! See Josh I am still going to school and taking are not alone! They give me homework too! It is like a full time job. In case you were wondering I can still remember the 12 words... They were not in this order. horse, cow, tiger, lion, emeral, peral, sapphire, opal, hut, cave, hotel room, tent! I of course re ordered them in categories and I think that's how I remembered them. I like brain games and I get to play them again throughout treatment! :)

Oh and the otehr exciting thing...I got to go to the lake before treatment started!. Josh's family took us to the lake on Saturday before it all started. They were a little nervous and said at first that I could not get in the water but then quickly learned how stubborn I am and let me in and then let me wake board. I had to promise that I would not leave the wake. It was a hard promise to keep but I gave them my word and had a good safe ride behind the boat. It felt so good to be in the water and I felt so free on the wake board. hopefully after radiation I can go again and maybe...just maybe...leave the wake! :) I will have to be really nice to tony for the next couple of weeks and show him how strong I am! :) He's the greatest. He went through cancer and it is so nice to have someone who knows what I am going through with me a lot of the time. So instead of the mask pictures I am posting a few of the lake pictures.


christy said...

So good to hear from you Tara. We think about you all the time and love to read your posts...we sure do love you. I don't think I could have named all those items even after 3 times...I am so impressed with you! Good Job! You are such a wonderful example to all of us!!! Keep on smiling. HUGS.

r&k skousen said...

Hang in there Tara, you never seize to amaze and inspire me. We all know you can do this. Thanks again so much for keeping us all up to date on everything. We love hearing how you are doing.

Kyla Makay said...

I am glad you got to have some serious fun before all this. You are such an inspiration, and you are in my prayers. I hope God pushes you through this successfully and as fast as possible. : )

love, makay