Sunday, October 10, 2010

October good days

The good days for October are here!!  Tara started feeling better Friday.  I love it when the round of chemo is done for the month.  Only 10 more treatments left.  (that translates to ten months....)  At least we can count them on our hands!  She had a fun weekend; but I'm saving that post for her.  My mother's heart is happy when she feels better.  She says her throat is dry and sore, and she got that "sickness" from me; but I think it's a side effect of Avastin.  I think she's ON the drug.

I now own FOUR different curry pastes!  I found an Asian marketplace Friday afternoon. I took a very fun field trip with a friend to this marketplace.  I may actually make my OWN curry this week!  (sorry, that computer again - I need to figure out which key I'm hitting!)

I love Skype.  I so miss Rachel and her facial expressions - but she can still make us laugh via Skype. We're still trying to get used to only 3 around the dinner table.....3 people here for fall break....3 people putting in our winter grass - but Ryan was nice and showed up for a few hours so we had FOUR.  It's hard to play ROOK with three also..... guess it's time to invite the married kids over!

Love you all!

Thanks for those continuous prayers and love - that's why we're smiling right now and that's how we get carried through the hard times.


trishabarry said...

hi Tara!!!

Congratulations on making it through another month of Chemo. I know EXACTLY how you feel.... i was on your exact same protocol two years ago. with the exact same doctors.

I love dr. Brachman and I am OBSESSED with dr shapiro!!!! sooooo. I have been doing this brain tumor drama for 7 years TODAY.... and I just wanted you to know that if you need ANYTHING.... i am here.

I have figured out a lot of the silver linings to this... brain tumor dilemma.... i will have to share them with you some day.

Keep on fighting the good fight. You are doing FABULOUS! and please contact me if I can do ANYTHING....


trisha barry johnson

Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

Becky, I think the key combination you are hitting is ALT-I, that's what makes Italics. And the ALT key is usually next to the CTRL key. That's my guess. I'm glad things are going better for Tara and that chemo is over for the month.

Becky said...

Thanks for the tip, Leslie! I'll try it! Thanks for being a faithful follower... are you coming to the reunion?

Lisa Marie said...

Actually, you're hitting CTRL I. ALT I does something else. And to undo it, you just hit CTRL I again. :)