Friday, January 27, 2023

Let's take this slow.

 Holy cow I am slow. No swapping out keyboards because I am typing too fast too loud. my brain is firing on all cylinders but my fingers... are not. Hopefully that comes back soon too. my right hand is okay but this left friend, is struggling. 

Okay, let's start at tghe beginning and be more honest than most care to know. my pinky keeps going rouge and pushing the cpas button.... that's frustrating...hey, at least I hWE a Working pinky...I am not fixing can read through it:). 

Pre op, I cried. There was progression, significant progression. two massive thumbs down. Smith was kind and was extra aggressive. for me. I blame the cruise desserts I continuously ordered. I am doing mental sprials constantly. WHEN I LOSE....PINKY....ehrn i close my eyes I can see the extra spots. I trty... shott this is hard. Keep trying Tara Lynn. When I close my eyes I see them. I have to keep blinking to my post op scan that has nice light saber looking lines through them. That is what I envision when I think of LITT therapy...just in there burning the tar out of all the cancer. When he looked in the microscope during surg he did see an active cancer cell. We are dealing with hopes of a random occurrence anymore:(

My left arm (Fingers mostly) is struggling a little.

My left leg is numb in areas but I can still walk...,y leg drags a little but I think with time, i can learn to walk normal again. The kids loved  my electric cart at Walmart. I was telling Addie I felt silly for riding in one becuase I didn't look like I needed one... GraNT interrupted with  a'Mom, you have blood on your head in the front and back"...maybe I didn't belong on an electric cart...I belonged at home...hope I didn't scared the people of Walmart. I don't like feeling like a patient and wanted to get out though...I hate being left behind. 

So yes I look like I have been though the ringer and feel like but I have hope that I can return to my obnoxious self. THIS TYPING IS HARD AND YES I CLICKED THAT CAPS BUTTON!  I do have a mark from where they screwed me to the table and two cuts with stitches on my scalp. Other than that, I look fine. My eye... Smith Double-tripled checked when I said I could see out my left eye. It is amazing, he was most definitely surprised. Ah this is getting hard... dizzy...only right hand for now...  

we have oncology on monday morning. phone visit. treatment to follow. love you alll... can"t sit here... 



Susan D said...

You are the bravest person I know. I love you. I am still praying for you.

Bryson Jones said...

Continued prayers for strength, optimism and faith, and miracles to come. Love your attitude and bravery! You can do this!

Brad and Lisa said...

You have a beautiful and resilient soul! Love you

Anonymous said...

Tara Lynn- you are brave and faithful and funny and a good writer and I love that this post ended with “goodmight”! That is what you have. I will pray for you to continue to have goodmight!! Love you and stay strong!❤️❤️❤️

Daryl Hill said...

Tara, thank you for posting and updating all of us. Sean and I have been thinking about you guys so much. We will pray that you get your strength and control back soon! Love you guys!